
Showing posts from July, 2015

Installing CentOS in Oracle VirtualBox Part 1: Create a New Virtual Machine For CentOS

If you want to know your way around Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution, but the you don't have the financial ability to obtain a license.  CentOS is your best bet get to the the Red Hat Enterprise Linux official experience.  Because CentOS is a binary capatible version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Meaning all the things that matters are the same, only the branding and logos are different.  CentOS is open sourced and can be downloaded for free.  Although it might be a couple of versions behind Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  But, you should be able to perform everything you can with CentOS that you can with Red Hat Enterprise.  Below is a step by step instruction on how to install CentOS in Oracle VirtualBox. Step-By-Step Instructions: 1.  Type in your browser 2.  Click on the "Get CentOS Now" button   3.  Click on "DVD ISO" 4.  Select the mirror site that is closest to you, or whatever fancies you, then save ...

AngularJS SPA Pt 1 : Setting Up Angular-Seed

angular-seed is an AngularJS application skeleton template.  An application skeleton let's gives you a boiler plate template so that you don't have to start the application from scratch.  You can get the source code from .  Below are the steps to use angular-seed ass your application template for AngularJS. Step-By-Step Instructions : 1.  Go the page 2. Open Git GUI.  if you don't have Git install you can follow this blog . 3.  In the Github angular-seed page copy the "HTTPS clone URL" 4.  In Git GUI click on the link "Clone Existing Repository" 5.  In "Source Location" paste the angular-seed clone URL that you've just copied, then on the "Target Directory" field type in or browse to the folder that you want to store the repository in on your local machine.  Then click "Clone" 6.  Click on "Expore Working Copy" to see the repositor...