RadioButtonList : Bind RadioButtonList Control To A DataTable
The RadioButtonList displays a collection of radio buttons on a web page. There can only be one selection in a group of choices at a time. In this tutorial we will create a RadioButtonList and then bind it to the Categories table of the Northwind database using a DataTable.
To create a RadioButtonList control do the following:
1. Select the "RadioButtonList" control under the "Standard" control in the "Toolbox" pane on the left.
2. Drag the RadioButtonList control to a design surface
3. In the source code of the .aspx page make sure "AutoPostBack" is set to true, the source code should look like this
4. Create a connection string in the Web.Config file
The code above creates new DataTable call dtCategories, then it connects to the database using the "NorthwindConnectionString", and queries the CategoryID, and CategoryName in the Categories table in the Northwind database. The query results are then stored in the DataTable. The next step is to use the data in the dtCategories DataTable to populate the RadioButtonList1 control on our .aspx page. The following lines are used to bind the dtCategories to the RadioButtonList1 control. It also
selects "Seafood" by default
7. Call the BindRadioButtonList method in the Page_Load method, you can call on the first page load only
Note: If AutoPoskBack is not set to true in the RadioButtonList1 control the RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged event handler would not have worked because there will not be a post back to the server when the user changes his/her selection.
To create a RadioButtonList control do the following:
1. Select the "RadioButtonList" control under the "Standard" control in the "Toolbox" pane on the left.
2. Drag the RadioButtonList control to a design surface
3. In the source code of the .aspx page make sure "AutoPostBack" is set to true, the source code should look like this
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server"
4. Create a connection string in the Web.Config file
<connectionStrings>5. In the code behind page(.cs) page of the .aspx page, type in the following lines at the top to use the following libraries
<add name="NorthwindConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=(local);
Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True"
using System.Web.Configuration;6. In the code behind file add the BindRadioButtonList method
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
protected void BindRadioButtonList()
DataTable dtCategories = new DataTable();
string connectString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT CategoryID,CategoryName FROM Categories", conn);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
//used to set the RadioButtonList1.DataSource to dtCategories
RadioButtonList1.DataSource = dtCategories;
//set the text field of the RadioButtonList1 to the "CategoryName" value in the database
RadioButtonList1.DataTextField = dtCategories.Columns["CategoryName"].ToString();
//set the value field of the RadioButtonList1 to the "CategoryID" value in the database
RadioButtonList1.DataValueField = dtCategories.Columns["CategoryID"].ToString();
RadioButtonList1.Items.FindByText("Seafood").Selected = true;
The code above creates new DataTable call dtCategories, then it connects to the database using the "NorthwindConnectionString", and queries the CategoryID, and CategoryName in the Categories table in the Northwind database. The query results are then stored in the DataTable. The next step is to use the data in the dtCategories DataTable to populate the RadioButtonList1 control on our .aspx page. The following lines are used to bind the dtCategories to the RadioButtonList1 control. It also
selects "Seafood" by default
7. Call the BindRadioButtonList method in the Page_Load method, you can call on the first page load only
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
8. Double click on the RadioButtonList1 control in the design surface, the RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged method will automatically be generated for you in the code behind file In the RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged method type in the following to display the item the user has selected
protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("Selected button " + RadioButtonList1.SelectedItem.Text);
Note: If AutoPoskBack is not set to true in the RadioButtonList1 control the RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged event handler would not have worked because there will not be a post back to the server when the user changes his/her selection.
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